The American Street
Ever notice how often the pundits refer to "the Arab Street" when talking about public opinion in the Middle East (but nowhere else)? News alert for the experts: There are streets all over the world, many paved, and not a single one of them has an opinion. Anyway, I found this view from our window a pretty accurate depiction of the American Street these days.
Hoboken traditionally gets an early start on the St. Patrick's Day parade season by celebrating on the first Saturday in March. The parking lot surrounding our building serves as a staging area, as marching bands, emergency vehicles, and a radio-station live-broadcast truck illustrate what Sun-Tzu was saying about the strategic use of narrow passages. The minimum charge to park here is $20, which is one of many reasons we don't have a car. No word on how much, if anything, they charged the marchers.
posted by Janet Dagley Dagley @8:53 AM
3.3.03 |