Free wallpaper
If your computer needs a new look, try one of these images as your new wallpaper. Just click on the full-size image with the right button of your mouse, and if you're using Internet Explorer, select "set as background." If you're using Netscape, select "set as wallpaper." If you're using Opera, select "use image as" and then "desktop wallpaper." I'm not sure how to do it with the AOL browser, but at least AOL users can enjoy the pictures just the same. (The larger images are still here; just click on the link. I replaced them with these small samples to make the page easier to load.
Bring on the raindrops
( full-size image removed; e-mail Janet for a copy)
This flower is one of the ones that got snowed on the other day.
(Full-size image removed; e-mail Janet for a copy)
A typical view from the Hoboken waterfront.
(Full-size image removed; e-mail Janet for a copy)
Scenic Frank Sinatra Drive in Hoboken, overlooking the Stevens Technical Institute waterfront parking lot and perpetual construction site.

(Full-size image removed; e-mail Janet for a copy)
posted by Janet Dagley Dagley @1:17 PM