Sun, Moon to honor the late June Carter Cash with ring-of-fire eclipse
Though neither heavenly body has issued a statement, NASA reports that tomorrow there will be an annular solar eclipse, visible (weather permitting) in Europe, Asia, and parts of Alaska and Canada. If you are in one of those places and you attempt to watch the eclipse, or even take a glance, please be sure to take the necessary precautions to avoid damaging your eyes, and never look directly at the sun (Galileo went partially blind that way). If you prepare a pinhole viewer for the occasion, you might want to save it for the total solar eclipse on November 23.
In other news, the spelling bee is over, and the winner is Sai Gunturi of Dallas, Texas. The Hindustan Times picked up the local angle because Sai is an Indian-American. The winning word: pococurante.
posted by Janet Dagley Dagley @2:18 PM