Even more buttons, and boxes, too
Introducing more new features:
* Our new blogroll gives you an easy way to visit other blogs we like, or that like us, or both, such as Jesse Lynch's just-relaunched Ohrada News in Prague, and Wrong Side of Happiness, a Washington, D.C.-area blog that has the distinction of being the very first to blogroll The Dagley Dagley Daily.
* GeoURL, that tiny green button, will take you to a list of blogs in my geographic vicinity. Or, if you go to the GeoURL home page, you can find maps showing the locations of all blogs worldwide that have registered with GeoURL.
* a few words from our sponsors: The Dagley Dagley Daily is participating in a beta test of BlogAdNet, which might be a way for blogs to pay, especially if readers click on the ads and most especially if they then buy the product. No pressure, though. We don't choose those ads, but they are supposed to be small, text-only, and targeted to match blog content. Please let us know what you think of them (or about anything else). Coming soon: a feedback feature to make it easier for you to do just that. We did choose to recommend BlogWeaver: it makes blog writing and editing so much easier; well worth the $9.99 price. Disclosure: If you buy it by clicking on our link, we get a piece of the action.
posted by Janet Dagley Dagley @2:27 PM