The longest day
My friend Dolores sent me a solstice greeting, reminding me that here in the northern hemisphere, today is the day we get more hours of daylight than any other, that is if we were to get any light at all through those persistent clouds parked over us. But the beginning of summer is cause for celebration all the same.
Blogger Pro has come up with an odd way of commemorating the day: they've migrated us to their new interface, and in the process disabled most of the functions of Blogweaver. That makes posting a bit of a pain as I have to type in all the HTML codes to make things bold or big. I hope Blogger Pro and Blogweaver will work out their difficulties soon. Meanwhile, happy solstice, Alban Heruin, Epona, Litha, Midsummer, Vestalia, Yemaya, or whatever you choose to call this day.
According to some of those legends, wishes made on the summer solstice, or the eve thereof, are more likely to be granted. Just in case, yesterday I made a wish list for The Dagley Dagley Daily at
All wishes granted, if any, must be counted as business income, if any. By the way, don't feel compelled to go out and buy me a Segway anytime soon. I put it on the list, but I've heard those things can be dangerous.
posted by Janet Dagley Dagley @1:07 PM