Survey results: Iraq war didn't make us any safer
The results are in on our survey question, and it's unanimous: our readers don't think the Iraq war made us any safer.
Here were the choices:
Yes, the world is safer now that Iraq has been invaded and occupied. 0%
No, it didn't make any difference in the likelihood of terrorist attacks. 0%
Yes, it showed the world that the United States will not tolerate terror. 0 0%
No, the war in Iraq made the world much less safe and made terrorist attacks more likely. 100%
How dare you question our government!! We have no business criticizing the administration in these difficult times; they have enough problems to deal with already. 0%
Now that we've found those weapons of mass destruction, the world is much safer. 0%
It doesn't matter; this whole thing is just media hype. 0%
And Dagley Dagley Daily readers aren't the only ones of that opinion. A British study published today concluded that Al Qaida is now stronger than ever. Meanwhile, a new Marist Poll found that even though 81 percent of New Yorkers are afraid of another terrorist attack, only 36 percent expressed confidence that the city was prepared for one.
While the media hounds are busy saying "87 billion dollars" over and over, giving us the impression that's the full cost, I refer you once again to that interview with CNBC's Ron Insana, and if you visit the link you'll see that I am required to use this phrase: "in an interview with CNBC's Ron Insana " in exchange for permission to quote the following:
"INSANA: Now, do you want a supplemental that will finance that for a year or longer?
PRESIDENT BUSH: Generally the supplementals, Ron, are either 6 months or a year in length, and of course, we're working the strategy out right now with the speaker and the leader. One of the things I won't do is, you know, drop a surprise on them."
I'll leave the survey question up for another day, just in case anyone out there wants to offer a different opinion.
posted by Janet Dagley Dagley @5:31 PM
9.9.03  |