That's what our representatives are doing right now in Congress. All the important stuff going on in the world, and they're going on and on about their favorite baseball teams, and one of them is even spending his time reading a list of some of the people who've played for his favorite team. And I'd turned the TV on in the first place in hopes of catching them voting on protection for overtime pay! Oops -- now they've gone on to another urgent matter: renaming a post office after Bob Hope. Fine, OK, do it. Next item on the agenda? There's no need to stand there and tell us Bob Hope's life history. Everybody knows who he was.
Wow. The Congressperson telling her colleagues Bob Hope's life story is up to 1947. Only 56 years to go and then maybe they can vote and go onto more pressing matters. Uh-oh. She just went back to 1934. This is going to take all day.
The vote on protecting overtime pay is scheduled for tomorrow, October 1. You might want to contact your Congressperson about that right away: or you might just want to call your representative and chat about baseball. As they say in the sports world, time is becoming a factor.