The great (fire)wall of China, and a Tennessee tailgate party
We'd like to send out a big "Ni hao!" (that's Chinese for "Howdy!) to all our readers in China, but we can't because The Dagley Dagley Daily has been banned in China, along with all other blogs hosted by Blogspot. That news comes to us from fellow Rocky Top Brigadier Tennessee Ruck, blogger-in-chief at Voluntarily in China. Shi shi (thanks), Ruck!
Tennessee Ruck's blog is one of many (including The Dagley Dagley Daily) featured in today's Rocky Top Brigade Volunteer Tailgate Party, a special Festivus edition hosted by Big Stupid Tommy, who may indeed be big, but isn't the least bit stupid. And he did a great job putting it all together. Thanks (shi shi) Tommy, and a Happy Festivus to all of us. Sorry (Dui bu qi) -- I don't know how to say "Festivus" in Chinese. Or much else, actually.
posted by Janet Dagley Dagley @5:04 PM
11.12.03 |