Another foreign endorsement
The head of Iran's (that's IRAN, not Iraq) Security Council has endorsed George W. Bush. That's IRAN, the same country that has just successfully tested its new Shahab-3 missile, which has a range of 2,000 kilometers (don't worry, Americans -- it's not nearly that far in miles). They showed one of those missiles on the BBC News this morning, file footage from a recent military parade, and the vehicle carrying it was decorated with text in Arabic and English. I couldn't read the Arabic, but the English said something along the lines of, "We will crush America." That's IRAN, where even now, bloggers are being arrested.
So there you have it: Iran has endorsed the man that called it part of the "axis of evil."
Oh, and they also said they have no intention of agreeing to the International Atomic Energy Agency's demand that they stop enriching uranium.
posted by Janet Dagley Dagley @4:27 PM
21.10.04  |