The sales presentation
(Blogger's note: This one is kind of an inside story, yet accessible to anyone who can put 2 and 2 together.)
"...and you'll never even have to leave your apartment."
Yessir, that was exactly what I wanted to hear after walking a mile in below-zero-windchill-weather to the next town over in order to hear a bunch of stuff we already knew. They told us they were going to redo our lobby, which in my opinion is a perfectly good lobby except that the poor concierge has to buy his own heater in order to keep from freezing on the job.
We'd gone to Weehawken seeking numbers, the magic numbers that would tell us whether this deal is doable or not. We got some guy from out of town with a lame PowerPoint presentation. We'd heard there'd be "refreshments" -- we even saw a few -- but we never managed to get any. That would have been dinner, since the sales presentation about our "priority opportunity" took exactly the time when dinner might have occurred.
They said there'd be sales representatives available, and I'm sure there were plenty, because all of us fled the building as soon as the guy stopped talking. The two of us had trudged halfway home when some kind neighbors stopped and asked if we'd like a lift back to the buildling. We thanked them profusely; they delivered us to our door.
Meanwhile, the "sales representatives" have promised us the numbers next month. Stay tuned.
posted by Janet Dagley Dagley @9:42 PM
18.1.05  |