The Doctor is IN
I knew if I backed Dr. Howard Dean long enough, he'd get elected to something. Now let's hope he we can get some more people elected as well.
posted by Janet Dagley Dagley @9:27 PM
12.2.05 |
Please don't drive into the Light Rail
You wouldn't think they'd need a sign saying something like that, but after two collisions in four days at the same intersection involving the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail and SUVs, New Jersey Transit is putting up some new warning signs. In addition to the above suggestion, we offer these other possibilities:
Approaching Objects on Rails May Be Closer Than They Appear
They Call it the Light Rail, But it's Actually Much Heavier Than Your SUV, so Stay Clear!
Does your vehicle have a valid Light Rail ticket? If not, you'd better keep it away from the train
No matter how much you honk, the train can't get out of your way because it's on rails, so watch out
Please Park Your Vehicle BEFORE Attempting to Board the Train
posted by Janet Dagley Dagley @6:34 PM
11.2.05 |
Happy Year of the Rooster, Part 2
posted by Janet Dagley Dagley @7:06 PM
10.2.05 |
Happy Year of the Rooster!
Until tomorrow evening, when I get the camera back, you'll have to imagine a photo here of the wooden rooster that I'd planned to post here today. Since this is the year of the small wood rooster, I figured I was all prepared, since I happen to have a 21-year-old small wood rooster named Chiki Wiki. That's what I get for thinking I was prepared. After all, it's not the year of the camera.
posted by Janet Dagley Dagley @6:15 PM
9.2.05 |
New York Times mistakes itself for the Starship Enterprise
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting has gotten around to telling us that just before last November's election, The New York Times killed a story on the mysterious hump on George W. Bush's back, because the story might have influenced the election.
Obviously someone there at the Times is a Star Trek fan, so much so that they believe the United Federation of Planet's noninterference directive (the one that gets violated in every episode of every version of the series) applies to journalists.
Of course, the clearly visible but mysterious hump was reported here at the time, with photos, for all the good it did, as the story ended up lost in space.
posted by Janet Dagley Dagley @6:17 PM
8.2.05 |
...nearly a year's worth of e-mail archives disappeared in a flash this morning when my e-mail program crashed. So if you've e-mailed me lately and you're waiting for a reply, please write me again, because your message may have been one of those that disappeared. It may be a few days before I get the problem fixed in order to reply, so please be patient. Thanks!
(If you are not a machine, then you know you can e-mail me by clicking on my name anywhere on this page. If you're an e-mail bot, you probably know that, too.)
posted by Janet Dagley Dagley @4:47 PM
7.2.05 |
Today's weather was even better than yesterday's, so we spent even more time outdoors enjoying the thaw.
posted by Janet Dagley Dagley @7:45 PM
6.2.05 |